The vision of the DHR is to bring modern health technology to the people through innovations related to diagnostic, treatment methods and vaccines for prevention; to translate them into products and processes and, in synergy with concerned organizations, introduce these innovations into public health service.
Government has approved the ‘Grant-in-aid Scheme for Inter -Sectoral Convergence & Coordination for Promotion and Guidance on Health Research’ during the 12th Plan period, in order to strengthen research effort in which the partnership of different government agencies, NGOs and Industry is required. Under this Scheme, the Department of Health Research (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare) will provide support in the form of grant-in-aid to for carrying out research studies to identify the existing knowledge gap and to translate the existing health leads into deliverable products. There will be special focus on encouraging innovation, their translation and implementation by collaboration and cooperation with other agencies by laying special stress on implementation research so that there is a better utilization of available knowledge. Proposals in fundamental/ strategic research; development and evaluation of a tool, and operational research will be considered for financial support.
- To support and encourage focused and deliverable research for estimation of disease burden/ development of new technologies/process, diagnostics, to address health research issues for affordable healthcare in the country.
- To support studies on the issues pertaining to technology access particularly in the context of Gender & Child health care and under privileged.
- Translation of leads into products & processes for adoption in public health systems.
- Development of collaborative health research projects involving different Science &Technology departments/organizations.
- To evaluate the existing processes/ products/ technologies for their comparative cost effectiveness to save public expenditure.
(a) Govt. Medical Colleges/Institutes/Universities;
(b) Private Institutions/NGO registered with DSIR/DHR;
(c) Individuals holding regular faculty position in universities, medical college, post-graduate institution, recognized R&D laboratories and NGOs; and Professional bodies and scientific societies and associations.
- Research studies with emphasis on public health
- Translational research projects
- Inter-sectoral co-ordination including funding of joint projects
GIA Scheme Guidelines
- GIA Guidelines Download(458.48 KB)
- Bank mandate form (for new projects) Download(16.89 KB)
- Declaration and Attestation (for new projects) Download(15.61 KB)
- Details of Statutory Auditor of the Host Institute (for new projects) Download(11.36 KB)
- Justification of budget asked for (for new projects) Download(12.88 KB)
- Non-Availability Certificate for Equipment (for new projects) Download(12.24 KB)
- Undertaking for Staff Recruitment (for new projects) Download(12.32 KB)
- Undertaking of project limits (for new projects) Download(12.26 KB)
- Format for Annual Progress Report (for ongoing projects) Download(20.44 KB)
- UC, SoE and Assets Certificate (for ongoing projects) Download(27.12 KB)
- Project completion report format (for complete projects) Download(14.88 KB)
- Consolidated SoE (for complete projects) Download(24.79 KB)
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For Online Submission of Research Proposals kindly visit Website
Concerned Offcer dealing with GIA Scheme
S. No. | Name | Designation | Email ID | Contact No |
1. | Shri B. Senapati | Director | b[dot]senapati[at]nic[dot]in | 23736090 |
2. | H. C. Mondal | Under Secretary | harish[dot]cmondal[at]gov[dot]in | 8274952004 |
4. | Sumit Kumar | Finance Manager | skfm[dot]dhr[at]gmail[dot]com | 9891310109 |
6. | Umakant | Administrative Officer | dhr[dot]aogia[at]gmail[dot]com | 9717269043 |
Landline number: 011-23736216 |